Rabu, 30 November 2011



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We know that, children’s life concentrate on their home, school and surrounding environment. That is why, those area must be safe and health place to children, but, in fact it is not so rare that those place are not only unsafe but also causing most of children’s death and disease, as specially in developing countries.
Population growth still becomes national phenomenon and even an international phenomenon since improved number of the population will be followed by need fulfillment for supporting their life. Recently, Indonesia has population of approximately 210 million. Yet, the distribution of the population is not spread evenly between islands and most of them are less than 30 years old. In consideration that almost 79% of the population live in farming sector it is assumed that it is likely to effect the environment itself (Marsono, 2004).
Early 1980s Indonesia has forest for about 144 million ha most of them includes natural forest and little plant forest that is when forest structure is based on Tata Guna Hutan Kesepakatan (TGHK). Ten years later inventory of national forests for early 1990s show that Indonesia has only about 112.8 million ha (78.06%) and non-forest area becomes 31.7 million ha (21.94%). At the end of 1980s deforestation level is approximately 600.000 ha/annum and highly improve in 1996 it is about 2,400,000 ha/annum. In Java in general the forest experiences serious degradation, that is, depraved forest and field approximate 10.7 million ha or 84% of land width (Marsono, 2004).
Another important aspect of it is variety of plants and animal preserved that is more known as biodiversity or biological variety. Indonesia that comprises 1.3% of earth surface has many varieties – the biggest third in the world. It has 10% of flowers in the world (about 25,000 variety), 12% of mammals (about 500 kinds), 16% of reptile and amphibi (about 3,000 kinds), 17% of birds (about 1,600 kinds), and more than 25% of fish (about 8,500 kinds). Besides, it is documented that there are about 663 kinds of endemic plants and 199 of mammals. On forest sector, there are about 500 kinds of Dipterocarpaceae and 3,000-4,000 kinds of Ochidaeceae (Marsono, 2004). And all of them need our preservation and protection so they will not extinct.
According to Sardiyoko, Executive Director of East Java Walhi, forest in East Java is in a very bad condition. Since 1997 to 2004, the condition of East Java forests is seriously damaged. Before 1997, it was better but recently it is worsen. Off 1.35 million ha of the forest, it is about 60 percent that is damaged. It is because of not optimal forest management. The forest that can be a model for Java area is not managed appropriately. Almost all of preserved forests in the East Java can not function well. In short, it is about the failure of management system. In practice, the East Java authority waits for command of central authority for managing the forests. Yet, provincial authority has big responsibility on disaster, ecological damage and arid condition because of damaged forests (Sapujagat, 1-15/12/2004).
Mangrove forest at northern coastal area of East Java is also in danger. In Sidoarjo, for instance, since 1998 there are hundred hectares of mangrove forests have been cleared away for timbers used for charcoal. It adds long lists of damaged mangrove forests in East Java. Before 1980s East Java comprises 57,599 hectares of mangrove forests, in 1982 it lowers of 7,750 hectares, and in 1996 it is only about 500 hectares or 1 percent of the original areas. The existence of mangrove forest in East Java is in danger since the extension requirement of industrial, housing and cultivation of brackish fish areas. These three factors are triggered by Rencana Tata Ruang and Wilayah Regional Pesisir Pantai Utara of East Java that have not yet determined (Kompas, 4/4/2005).
Dr. H. Suparto Wijoyo, a lecture of Law Faculty at UNAIR and Work Commission on Environmental Law of BKPSL – Indonesia, comments motto “Clean and Green Surabaya”. He said that the motto has deep philosophical value and rightfully proud. He states “It is a motto that accommodate “ecological contract” of citizen and the city management that guide them in managing Surabaya in the future. However, based on the results of a study it shows that there is deviation on land functioning in all of geographical area. In fact, the Hero City only has 2.5 percent or 736 hectares of Open Green Area (RTH),” he adds. He also has criticism on Perda Kota Surabaya Nomor 6 tahun 2004 on Plant and Animal Preservation, Control, and Functioning. He comments that “It has background on decreased ecosystem since there is improved rarity and decreased plant and animal population in the city. The causes of such condition are rapid change on physical development of the city (housing and trading), uncontrolled animal hunt, decreased number of trees as natural habitat of birds, less optimal of RTH management, damaged mangrove forest in coastal area as natural habitat of fish, and polluted air and water (Flora Fauna Surabayazoo Magazine, September 2004).
            According to Surabaya gardens and funeral official, Ir. H. Haryoso Rishadi : There are 137 public gardens in Surabaya and most of them are not maintained managed but there is little in good maintaining “ Because of the funds to maintains the public gardens up to now is still so minimum, so they are not managed or maintained well ( Republika, 20 Maret 2003).
            Then  How is actually the new paradigm about biological environment to the reformation era nowadays, especially time after flood in  Surabaya ? How to optimally public gardens which are really representative for place of family recreation and having function as city forestation? Multi disciplines approach meet to be encouraged.
            Understanding, responsibility, and implementation of healthy ecology through formal and informal education supposed to  from institution such as Kindergarten, elementary school, and so on. Finally it become norm and nation culture to conserve equality life quality.
Public information about life environment conservation need to be encouraged, trough seminar, contest, art festival, art exhibition, and talk show in printed or electronic media. Another important thing need to get attention by any parties is to implant environment care to children. One of the methods to involve the children to environment is through extracurricular teaching, especially the activity of teaching drama. Giving perception to their soul about the important of creating and keeping clean, cool, and peace environment is very important to implant since early.
For knowing how important of developing environmental awareness among elementary school students through Children’s Garden and theatrical education as preventive efforts in preserving Baluran National Garden in East Java then the study is conducted.


Based on the background of the study aforementioned, the problems formulated in the study are as follows:
1.      What are the efforts of elementary school in educating students that have awareness on the environment?
2.      Does theatrical education can preventively struggle for preservation of Baluran National Garden in East Java?


The purposes of the study are :
1.         Continuing and perfecting a study entitled “Upaya Elementary School Peduli Lingkungan melalui Pendidikan Teater (Finalist of MAB Piagam of 2003).
2.         Gaining information on natural condition of Indonesia.
3.         Getting information on efforts done internationally and regionally for preservation of natural life.
4.         Acquiring information on elementary school efforts in educating students that have awareness on the environment.
5.         Gaining information on theatrical education that can preventively struggle for preservation of Baluran National Garden in East Java.


1.    To  Researcher
  1. As Practicing field to make scientific paper.
  2. As brainstorming media.
  3. As problem solving field toward the research problem
2.    To Educative Institution
  1. As information about the portent of environment care awareness through curricular or extracurricular activity.
  2. As ideas sharing toward environment education to elementary school students.

It is undeniable that water is a prime need for human being. Initially water is not a problem for human being since they have relatively low need of water compared to the supply of water. Over time, population growth and industry make the need of water improve and even more than the capacity of water supply and reach critical point of 1,000 cubic per man per annum. As an example, it happens in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, dan Yogyakarta. The need of water is so high and can be seen on decreased surface of aquifer and sea intrusion to the landscape. An observation done in Bandung shows that aquifer has reached 40-150 cm or 0.21 – 8.76 m/year and in Jakarta decreased aquifer has reached 17 meters. Therefore, it is not impossible if it is reported that there has been subsidence in Jakarta for about 10-100 meters. (Marsono, 2004)
However, in summer, there are many areas that suffer from lack of water supply. In summer 2003, for instance, about 719 ha farming lands at Purworejo was dried up since they found difficulty in getting irrigation water. In Gunung Kidul, the local government reported that there were only about 22 thousands of poor families or about 25% of the population could fulfil clean water need. In contrast, during rainy season, the water supply is overwhelmed. Floods happens everywhere. And even the effects of the floods are so disastrous for instance damaging food production, streets, and housing of th population. (Marsono, 2004)
In line with the increasing of people, Indonesia has population of approximately 210 million, and the advancing of technology, the influence of people to their environment will get higher. In the recent years. The influence of people to their environment are so high, so our environment quality is threatened seriously. Every year in the raining season so many places get flooded but in dry season so many rivers  get dry. Nearly none of the rivers give in our country which have clear water. Nearly most of them care muddy. So that the rivers and harbors become shallow and disturb our shipping.
Recently many forests in net of Java which has been exploited for export have caused so many problem for us one of the functions of forest, is as the earth lung. Forest exploitation which increase vastly cause unrecoverable destruction, with all of it is bad results. It produce cause grass, land erosion and flood. Remind that forest recovery need a long time, it is very important that out forest exploitation is done based on continually product management, and not only as short term sources of foreign exchange it the last option that happen, so we will absolutely have a big mistake to our next generations.
Many districts have their trees cut because of broadening of roots, building development, and also because of unclear reason. Added by the increasing of population and the number of machines, especially motor machines, causing city air is not good the net come of them such as : CO2, CO and another compounds, polluting city air. Beside that noise from the factories, motor vehicles, airplanes, and so on make our environment gets worse.
Forest burnt and forest burning do not only produce dangerous smoke but also air pollution that is disturbing and are considered contributing to global heating. For last ten years, there are more than 5 million hectares of forests burnt because of burning, nomaden farming system and also reforestation program. Number of farmers is estimated more than 1 million kepala keluarga who use fire to open the field. In fact, carbon substances – such as CO, HC, Khlor, Oxide, nitrogen, and sulfur – are also produced from rubbish burning, smoke of transportation and industry. WHO report on Surabaya shows that while motorcycle contributes to most of air pollution of 77% hydrocarbon, 51% of CO, 51% of lead, and 91.8% of organic parikulat. Car has lower contribution on it that is about 15.4% of hydrocarbon, 36% of CO, and 49% of lead. In general, direct effect of global heating can be felt such as higher temperatures, El Nino, climatic changes, and so on. (Marsono, 2004)
Degradation of environmental quality is a serious problem and need to be handled immediately. The macro natural environment problem requires good cooperation interdisciplinary and should involve all parties so that it should find harmonious and comprehensive cooperation. (Marsono, 2004)

Conservation of good living environment is and actual problem talked by people in international and regional as well. In International level the effort is a high level conference in Rio de Janeiro Brazil in June 4 – 13 1992, In the conference on that soccer country. The most important thing which discussed about is the agenda 21, it is on environment conservation problem that it ‘s planed to be exist until twenty first century, In this conference. The developing countries (G-77) and advance countries (G-7) accused each other as the cause of pollution in the earth.  
Al the beginning of the 21st century, the environment experts begins to realize of the living environment quality descent the causes of it are the way of the living environment quality descent. The causes of it are the way of the user and use of knowledge and the high technology, the quantity of environment that gets narrow because of raising of the population it has held some conference international about living environment such as in Switzerland (1971) with the conference subject about environment conservation education, in Stockholm (1972) about human environment, in Belgrado (1975) and in Bangkok (1976) about living environment education, in Rio de Janeiro Brazil (1992) about the earth ecology pollution and the last in Johannesburg South Africa (2003).
In Johannesburg at high level conference of earth on Sunday, 25 August  2002, the scientist were appealed back to their moral ethics of science, regard to human prestige and their creativity, regard to and keep the variety of culture and genetic, direct the development of technology to increase human life quality and humanity, and also involved in every struggle toward any activity which endanger life being and environment. (Kompas, 17 August 2002)
In the regional level, the government has activated. Awareness of mass media, living appreciation to the person who saves the environment , the school which has clean and health environment. About this school environment competition “or Lomba Lingkungan Sekolah Sehat (LLSS). Besides, the government also distribute law on natural resource conservation. Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) includes a) PP RI No. 27 Tahun 1991 is on Swamp Conversion. b) PP RI No. 13 Tahun 1994 is on Wild Animal Hunting. c) PP RI No. 18 Tahun 1994 is on Natural Tourism Object Exertion at Utilization Area of National Garden, Natural Garden, and Grand Forest Garden. It is also supported by president decision and instruction No. 32 Tahun 1990. The instruction is about Managing sheltered forest areas and some decisions and instructions of Ministry for further explanation on it. (Marsono, 2004)
The government has also issued national peraturan perundangan on forest in Indonesia. UU No. 41 Tahun 1999 the government rules out on Forest, UU No. 5 Tahun 1990 on Natural Resources Conversion and the Ecosystem, and UU No. 23 Tahun 1997 on Natural Environment Management. (Marsono, 2004)
One of real efforts done by the government in preserving natural environment is determining 17 sites of National Garden spread over the whole provinces. They comprises of more than 5 hectares. While the smallest area of National Park is Gunung Gede Pangrango of 15,196 hectares located in West Java and the biggest area for National Park is Kerinci Seblat of 1,484,650 hectares located in four provinces that are West Sumatera, Jambi, South Sumatera, and Bengkulu. (Sapari, 2001)
There are four National Parks in East Java including National Park of Bromo Tengger Semeru of 58,000 hectares, Meru Betiri National Park of 50,000 hectares, Alas Purwo National Park of 43,420 hectares, and Baluran National Park of 25,000 hectares. (Sapari, 2001)
The national parks have primary functions as follows. First, to keep the balance of the ecosystem and protect life support system. Second, to protect variety of plants and animals and to seek for resource of plasma nutfah. Third, to provide research facility and scientific development, education, dan training. Fourth, to fulfil the requirement of natural tourism object and preserve local cultures. Finally, fifth, as part of local area development. (Sapari, 2001)

Islamic view on cause and effect matter that cause damage and environmental pollution problems, that disturb the balance, as well as reserved God’s grace and mercy into disaster for man is clearly explained in God sunnah. It states that human being who act deviate from Allah sunnah is the main cause of the disaster. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala saying that: “Telah tampak kerusakan di darat dan di laut disebabkan perbuatan tangan manusia, supaya Allah merasakan kepada mereka sebagian dari akibat perbuatan mereka, agar mereka kembali (ke jalan yang benar).” (Ar-Rum: 41).
Sort of the problem of human in the earth is not so difficult to be identified and done how to solve it but the reality has improved that promise and agreement to solve the living problem can not be done. (Soewardiati, 1992)
The most human reformation is none unless through environment founder human education. (Soewardiati, 1992)
There are three places which is not separate each other to do environment
education that is home, school, and society. (Soewardiati, 1992)
            The house is first place of environment education especially for the children. Fist time the children get education about attitude in the house, primarily from their mother and father.
            The second education is in the school environment education in the school can be done by two ways : There are curricular and extracurricular. It can be inserted in other’s subjects as well  (Soewardiati, 1992). In the formal education environment, mission of living environment conservation has been began since in kindergarten school until university through the subjects ;  Nature knowledge (IPA), Social knowledge (IPS), religion, PPKn, Indonesian Language, an also in the subjects of lectures ecosystem, environment technique, environment healthy, environment chemistry / environment knowledge that has held.
            Written in the goal of science instruction in elementary school in competence base curriculum that the students participate in maintaining, keeping and conserving world environment in order to appraise creature of the God- world environment, and to develop  knowledge and understanding science concepts those will be applied to daily life. (Depdiknas, 2001)
            Extracurricular activities have been arranged neither transparently nor good and neat toward environment conservation for students of kindergarten, elementary, junior high school and high school.
            The third environment education is among the society. It has important role for the children because their knowledge about and environment will be applied.
The limitation of environment education as result of high level conference in Bangkok in 1976 are : Living environment education is an educational program managed for developing cognitive, and effective function of an individual and the skill of his psychomotor to rising the life quality optimally in the micro and macro level of the units of family, society and nation . That is by concerning about the dynamics strategy of human living environment problems individually or socially to avoid the bad results. (Soedarmo, --)

The objective of drama teaching is to give the students some knowledge, experience, and basic ability to create and explore the art and also artistic sensitiveness as the basic of appreciation toward nation culture. In detail, the objective of teaching drama in elementary school based on curriculum 1993/1994; first, grow the basic ability of children in create and play drama. Second, to recognize and practice students to master the basic of drama. Third, practice and develop student sensitiveness toward the beauty of art (Yandianto, 1993).
The art basically is one of the way to socialized. The art is a person expression to relate with another. This thing is common in show art, because the expression of a person in show art need other persons appearance in his activity.
Show art never stand alone, far away from society, show art arise, exist and grow among the society. Indonesian is a nation which so close with drama. Yogyakarta palace, aristocrat’s houses, even houses of common people was build for drama. In Yogya palace, in front of the great veranda, where the king meet his family, there is an open area with two little structures called “bangsal kotak”.
It is called liked that because in that area, every year or in particular event, drama “wayang wong” is presented with every actors and actress waiting in those place for their turn to be presented by the director.
It is also a fact in life that group of common people drama, anywhere in Indonesian, can play in any place as house yard, garden, yard, an so on. All of that show how the drama is a part of their life (Jakob S., 1992) 

Imagination is stronger than knowledge ; dream is stronger than fact. This well known words of Robert Fulghum show the important of giving the children a healthy world of imagination. Moreover when we know how the world of imagination of children become so polluted recently. It has been held by TV culture, game, and comics, brought into values which so for away from commitment to develop health-strong- integrated personality. Simplified into hero figure : Able to solve any problem quickly.  Uniformed into perspective that life is simple : the strong, the winner. (Saptono, 2002).
There is the lesson we can learn from TV program for creating world imagination-world of children. They attract the children interest through story, which dramatized and packed into interesting visualization, finally it is presented into kids program. It’s  realized, how ever a story is on interesting communication media for children. Study from this, it is not wrong when each school revive drama into Indonesia language subject or in extracurricular at drama for children.
Language is an important instrument of communication. If a child has any trouble with the language, so he will get difficulties in his childhood or school.
We know that a child get his dominant vocabularies so he can speak politely. It the mother give vocabulary  about environment, so he will learn about his environment and so on.
Realize or unrealized, frankly we like to play, more over in children word. Because of that, everything that will be learnt or conveyed will be better if using play media.
As learn drama with environment subject, the play which was held can be as like as event seen or experienced by the student. For example : When demonstrate to work together watering the flowers but there are some students don’t follow, or another episode which demonstrate a group of children are hunting (shooting birds).
After all of the students see the play which played by same student printed so the teacher or extracurricular tutor can discuss with all at the students in the class. The discussion held is competitive discussion, where the students make dialog. Or debate to compete for prize. The prizes are the tittle as person who save the environment, person who case the environment, person who keep the environment, or environment care avant-garde.


This research orientation is on qualitative descriptive design. In general, according to Arikunto (1993), this research design is included in non-hypothesis research, so that it doesn’t need hypothesis. Descriptive qualitative, which is used, has purpose to draw the condition or phenomena’s (explorative function). That’s why, this research is based on “phenomenology’s’ approach, and it means try to rebuild the way on methods human’s care on environment through theater.
Quality research focused on observation participant and in-depth interview as the instrument in order to get descriptive data, written or oral, and also the actor/actress who are observed (Bugin, 2001).
This research setting is in al-Hikmah Elementary Full Day School Surabaya at Gayungsari IV no. 34 Surabaya. This purposively research is considering to explore theater extracurricular class.
This research used “Field Research” technique by using cases study. Cause of that, this research takes limited object and time possibility in order to find certain substances from deep fundamental problem, which are observed. Based on Arikunto (1993) means that compromise with “one-shot method” which is observed.
            Robert Bogdan and Sari Knop Bilklen (1982) stated about widely social unity through that social relationship and the population couldn’t be estimated.
This social unity means Islamic Education Institution managers and staff in al-Hikmah Surabaya. While social unit is all the components which are involved in drama
teaching and learning interaction.
            Data which are needed, primary data, data which are gained from interviewed  with the respondents and secondary data, data which are collected by other people and take it as the reference in this research.

The data will be analyzed through many ways, and fixed it with the research approach. Considering this explorative description research will be analyzed by using data reduction, means that the analyses data will be systematically arrange and perform the main problems.
Data reduction is an effort to simplify the discovering data by taking the important thing, so that it raises the main themes, problem focused and also the characters. However this is the side way to give sharp picture from the result.
            The next step is playing data display, means that the data which gain from the field will be presented in data and arranged based on the chronologically. So that easy to stick on. The next step is taking the resume.

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